Dental veneers are shell-like restorations usually made of ceramic material in a dental laboratory and are used to conceal worn down tooth enamel, spacing, poor alignment or simply cracks.
Porcelain veneers can make your smile look natural and beautiful. As we age the enamel becomes more susceptible to cracks and chips and may even appear uneven due to wear and tear, giving a dull appearance.
Also smoking, drinking tea, coffee, soft drinks can create discolouration of the enamel. In patients with clenching or grinding habits, it is recommended using a night guard to protect the veneers.
The procedure of placing cosmetic veneers takes only two appointments. At the first appointment Dr.Cirstea or Dr.Pistol, prepare the teeth and an impression is taken. A conservative amount of tooth structure is removed during the porcelain veneer procedure. The impression is then sent to a lab where each porcelain veneer is custom made.
Temporary dental veneers are fabricated to simulate your new smile, so you can expect to leave the first appointment looking better than when you came in. At the second appointment the new porcelain veneers are permanently bonded to the prepared teeth. Dental veneers can last indefinitely, depending on how well they are taken care of by the patient. The patients must maintain regular oral hygiene at home and visit us for routine cleanings and exams. Also patients should be aware that oral habits such as nail biting, chewing on hard objects, clenching or grinding can damage the veneers as well as natural teeth.